I was going to Florida for a well deserved vacation just 3 days after Michael Jackson had died, and while boarding on one of my connecting flights, I observed something that seemed out of place. There was a skinny looking man with dark hair with a surgical mask covering his face. Now this is not unusual in today’s standard but something about this guy just caught my attention.

 He kept looking around to see who was near him and was just eyeing everyone that went by him. He was definitely trying to hide something or was up to something. As we got seated he was seated just 2 rolls ahead of me to the right, and he still was looking around him like he was looking for someone, but I felt he was looking around to see if anyone was watching him.

 Then he noticed me looking at him, and I could see in his eyes and he looked terrified, but why I did not know. He now was only looking back towards me to see if I was still watching him. He was very fidgety in his seat at this point.

 After the plane took off, the captain came on and said he was a huge Michael Jackson fan and was dedicating this flight to him by playing some of his music during our flight. As the music started playing over the plane’s sound system, I looked over at the mysterious man that I had been watching. He was now bobbing and wiggling around in his seat. As I watched him it seemed more like he was dancing in his seat,  to the music being played through out the plane.

 He suddenly got up and walked past me towards the bathroom’s at the back of the plane. Out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw him moon walking as he disappeared towards the back. I suddenly had to go the restroom myself. As I entered the restroom I could here in the adjourning restroom the distinct low pitched humming of WOO-UO-HOO.

 I was now definitely getting an opinion of who this mystery man was. But I needed more concrete proof. I went back to my seat and decided that when we landed I was going to call my friend that works for the TSA. After calling my friend and explaining what I saw and told him what I suspected, he told me he would look into it and get back to me. The next day he called me back to tell me what he had found out and told me a story of his own.

He proceed to tell me that just a week before Michael Jackson died, an associate of his had purchased a one way ticket to the Florida Keys on the very same plane that I was on. My friend also told me that he contacted a friend of his from Homeland Security who told him that the same associate also had a reservation for a private yacht  tour of several destinations in the Caribbean islands.

I was then told that this associate is who checked in on the flight not Michael Jackson, and the operator’s of the yacht tour company also confirmed that it was not Michael Jackson on the tour, however this same associate is now missing.

It turns out that somewhere on the tour in Aruba, the supposed associate got off the yacht to tour the city on foot, and had told the yacht caption not to worry or wait for them if they did not come back. Since the yacht company had already been paid in full they had no concern’s about the customer not returning.

As it turns out, this is not the first time this yachting company has had associates of famous celebrities take private tours to Aruba, then disembark in Aruba and never be seen before. The first time was in 1973 just 2 days before Bruce Lee died and again 1 day after the death of Elvis Presley in 1977.

 I was then told that there are several privately owned islands in the Caribbean, and if someone knew the right people and had enough money they could easily disappear for ever. I asked my friend if he thought that is what happened. He told me that he did not want to create any conspiracy theories, that I should draw my own conclusion.

 So after thinking about it for a couple of weeks, I have came up with the only conclusion that I can. Knowing what I know and what I saw, there is no doubt in my mind what has happened. Many people will not believe it but there it is pure and simple.

 For many years  people have said that Bruce Lee and Elvis Presley were not really dead and now I believe those stories myself. They are very much alive today and now have been joined by Michael Jacksons, somewhere in the Caribbean.

For years Bruce and Elvis have been hiding from the world, I am sure Bruce has taught Elvis how to be a great martial artist and Elvis has taught Bruce to sing or how to dance to All Shook Up and Jailhouse Rock. Now it will not be long before Michael teaches them to moon walk.