Category: OPINION

As the world hungers for the U.S Government to release the Osama death pictures, a conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch has filed a lawsuit for the release of the pictures, on the grounds of the Freedom of Information Act.

Several Senators have made comments to the press, that they have seen some gruesome pictures that are supposed to be of a dead Osama. How-ever nobody can be sure that they are authentic. Some have said they can’t tell if it is Osama or not and many have said they believe the pictures should be released to the public.

Then there is the many different organizations and news outlets to human rights groups and the conspiracy theorists that all say that the pictures need to be released just to prove that Osama is really dead.

I myself could not believe he was dead when I first heard of the killing. I was glad if- it was true, but was not sure whether to believe it. I just knew that Al-Qaida was going to claim Osama was still alive and show new pictures and videos of him. But they did not do that, instead they waited a couple of days and when they did make a statement, it was to threaten revenge for his killing. That is when I knew it was true that he was really dead and the world had become a better place.

Even I wouldn’t mind seeing the pictures, but I don’t need to see them to prove he is dead. For years the only pictures that we have seen of Osama, have been of him in his videos taunting and threatening the U.S. and our allies. Then there are all the pictures of him in the news and different magazines and newspapers around the world.  

I just want to see them, because for so many years, this crazy mad man has terrorized this country and caused so much grief, to so many people. I just want to see him in a way, that I am sure he never dreamed an American would ever see him. That is dead with a bullet in his head. 

Nothing good will come of releasing the photos to the world to see. If they release, they will be scrutinized and people will punch holes in the government’s story and make it look like we were wrong for killing him.

 There is already some that are saying that it was disrespectful for the way we disposed of his body. They are also saying it was wrong to kill him while he was with his family, and let’s not forget that he was killed defenseless and did not give up a fight.

I am glad that the pictures are not being released, because we as a country do not need to create anymore problems for ourselves. Osama will never be seen again, that is a fact and we as Americans can take solace in that. We can also be proud that in the end he became fish bait.

As the world waits to see if BP can contain the massive oil spilling into the Gulf of Mexico, in what will probably be the world’s worst oil disaster when it is all over. Everyone is also lining up to sue the oil giant for all the damage that is going to develop.

 Everything from personal injury for the workers that survived the explosion of the oil rig to the relatives of the 11 that died. The fisherman, that are now working for BP to help clean up the mess to the many business that are losing money from lost revenue.

 Then there is the various levels of the government that will be getting their hands greased from BP, as they level fines on the company for negligence for the hurt workers and the deaths of workers and of course the leak itself.

  Then there will be each individual state from Texas to Florida that will be looking to get their share of money for the cleanup costs and environmental issues that will arise for many years, after the leak is stopped.

 All of this of course will be after the leak is stopped. Just think about how much money BP is shelling out daily trying to stop the leak, and to contain the leak which has gotten so far out of hand, that astronauts in space can see the spill from space. Right now BP is spending so much money trying to stop the leak and contain the spill that their accounting department is working overtime writing the checks to everyone involved.

 Other factors that BP is now going to have to face is that many investors are going to want to cash out while they can, their stock is slowly starting to go south, also BP is going to see a backlash from the consumer at the pump as many will boycott the company.

 BP bank accounts are leaking so much money, just like the leaking oil well in the ocean. It will take time but the giant BP is slowly leaking in the Gulf with their fallen rig. Some people have already asked can BP survive this. It is hard to think or believe that any single company can handle the whole burden and survive this type of disaster.

 In about 2 years I will not be surprised when the pretty green BP signs around town come down and are replaced with another big oil giant of the world. It’s just a matter of time before their money well runs dry and they end up  going bankrupt or have to be bought out by someone else.

President Hamid Kiarza’s threat to join the Taliban, after all the years that the U.S has put in to help him get his government in a position, so that they can hopefully one day take care of themselves, is just the proof that we need, that it is more than time to pack up and let them try to figure it out on their own.

Here is a man that has forgot how he has came to power in the first place. He wants to show the other Arab leaders that he is the true leader of Afghanistan. He wants to show the world that he is not the U.S puppet that many world leaders refer to him as. But he feels that he has to discredit the U.S to prove it.

He claims the U.S corrupted the past election, but it is his own people that have accused him of corruption within his own government. He wants to tell the world that it is the Afghan people that are and will be running the country, but they still can’t defend themselves from the insurgents that continue to come across their borders and create havoc trough out the country.

He needs the U.S, despite the fact he has to put on the, I am in charge face and say that he doesn’t. He knows that without the U.S backing that the Taliban would retake the country and it would become again the safe haven for the world’s terrorists.


What did everyone do before the invention of the cell phone? Today all you see is people with their phone’s attached to their ear, just talking about everything. They do it in their cars, at the Dr. Office, the grocery store. They are everywhere like roaches that will not go away.

People seem to lose all common since  when their phone rings, they have to answer it no matter  what and carry a long winded conversation while at the check out. I have seen women so into their conversation that they could not even acknowledge the person that just held a door open for them. Then there is  the person that crossed the road in front of on coming traffic, then had the nerve to look back and shrug their shoulders as if to say, what was their problem? 

People need to remember to think of others when talking on their phones. Everyone does not want to hear about Uncle Fester’s operation when riding home or to work on the bus. The clerk at the check out wants you off  your phone, not so they can hold small talk with you. But they want your full attention, so that you do not try to say, they did not give you the correct change back.

So if any of this sounds like you, when you are talking on the phone, take a second too think about others around you and show some etiquette the next time you use your cell. 




The NFL is taking bids from cities to host the 2014 game.  Potential host cities from Florida and Arizona and other sites with NFL teams will be bidding for the game, as well as the city of London. I have to ask why the city of London?

The NFL has been playing expedition games in other cities trying to expand into  markets other than the U.S.  They even used to have the world league, which also was used to give young  players a venue to show NFL teams that they could play on a professional level.

However NFL football has always been an American sport. The league was created and it was founded in the U.S.  All of the teams that make up the league are from the U.S.

 It would only make since that the championship game should always be played on American soil.  In a time when alot of American companies are moving to foreign countries for the cheaper labor, now our beloved sport of football wants to give it’s biggest game away to a foreign city to host.

I want to be the first to tell the NFL, that I object to the idea of London or any foreign city of hosting the Superbowl of American football.


It is so easy today, to get upset with other drivers out on the roads. When I was learning how to drive, I was taught to pay attention to the road and not let ourselves get distracted. But today there are so many distractions that I am surprised that there is not more accidents on the roads.


Used to be, that to get distracted from the road you were probably looking at something off the side of the road, or fidgeting with something in your car. Maybe you were talking to other people in the car when you went in the other lane with out even realizing it.


Today all of those still apply but, thanks to modern technology, we have more thing’s to distract us from our driving. Today we have our cell phones to talk on. We can not put them down to drive; we have to hold it to our ear just talking about nothing. At the same time not realizing we just cut a car off, or ran some poor slab off the road. Changing lane to lane with out looking to see where the other cars are. I personally like the ones kneeling comfortly, with their arm on the middle console, looking straight ahead with their phones plastered to their ear. They are the worst.


Then we have texting, which has taken the world by storm. We love to text while driving because we are such great drivers and just have to send that text, because the person I am texting to need’s to read what I have to say. Otherwise the world just may come to end if I don’t send that text now. What was that bump in the road? Who cares? Let me send one more text.


How about the portable DVD players? I have seen people with them on their dash and on their seat watching them as they drive. Do not have the time to watch that DVD last night, that’s all right I will watch it on my way to work. Was that a dog that just ran out in front of me?


I have seen people shaving while driving, with their electric shavers, looking in the mirror to see how they did. I used to get stuck behind a lady every morning putting her make-up on. After a couple of days of this, I started to honk and ride her ass; she paid me no attention and kept doing her make up. I hoped she would hit a bump and her make up would go up her nose.


 One day I pulled into a convenient store to get some coffee and the make up lady pulled in beside me. When I came back out to my car she was sitting in her car putting lip stick on her lips. As I was getting in my car I yelled to her that it did no help her looks at all. The look on her face was priceless.


I have seen people reading books while driving. I have seen one lady opening her mail while driving. She had one of those knives that cuts open the envelope, and then she would read it. I was beside her for about a mile on the highway just watching her read her mail.


I had a lady that hit me from behind while driving down the street. She said that she did not see me stop. I told her that I had not stopped or even hit my brakes till she hit me. She told me that she was talking to her cat when she hit me. I looked in her car and saw an animal carrier in the back seat.  I did not see the cat but assumed it was in the carrier. Later, when I told the cop about her talking to her cat, he said she told him that she was talking to the cat on her cell phone.


These are all the same people that oppose any kinds of new laws that forbid talking on their phones while driving. New driving on cell phone laws are being proposed in different cities everyday. I do not believe that we need new laws ,just better driving etiquette among drivers.

I can understand how some people get road rage and get into fights with other drivers. We all here about it and have had a moment of almost crossing that line. We all need to remember that the right to drive is a privilege. With that privilege is the responsibility to be the best driver that we can be, by keeping our attention to the driving. All the other distractions that we give ourselves need to be dealt with after we get out of the car.